- Chrome DevTools Theme
I recently discovered that you can skin the Chrome DevTools. So, I naturally had to build a Ruby Blue version. You can download it here on Github, and this is where you put it: Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css PC: \Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\User StyleSheets\Custom.css It still needs a little love, so please feel free to fork and contribute!…
- Faking Mobile Design
There are a number of WordPress plugins out there which purport to automagically create a touch-optimized version of your site. “Make your blog look beautiful on tablet web browsers in under 3 minutes.” “Automatically adds a mobile verion of your site.” “Automatically transforms your WordPress website into an application-like theme, complete with ajax loading articles and effects when viewed from the most…
- Focus
Keeping up with everything that’s going on in the world of web design and development is impossible. The greater the breadth of your understanding, the shallower the depth of it. On the JavaScript front, in the last couple months I’ve done substantial experiments with the following: WebSockets Node.js Device Motion Touch Events Canvas Box2D WebGL (just a little) Help…
- Great Artists Steal
There are a few variations of this phrase floating around – and now you can create your own using this handy guide! “[Good, Bad] artists [copy, imitate, borrow], [great, good] artists steal.” It’s attributed to Pablo Picasso, but who knows what he really said, or if he even said it in the first place. And what does it mean? Check…
- Everything is a Remix
I don’t plan to reproduce unoriginal content on this blog very often, but if you haven’t seen this yet, you should take a moment to do so. This video series sets out to demonstrate how interconnected our creations are and how much we rely on the work of those who came before us (even if we’re not humble enough to…